A Play-FULL Gift Guide
Head on over to VONK for our latest round-up of kid's toys in time for the holiday!

The Case for Magic
Recently I have had to make the case for magic when talking to fellow parents and adults. In these conversations, I realized what I am...

Death of the Unicorn and Rise of the Rabbit
Recently, I was sent an article about the "Winter in the Valley" (see the ZeroHedge.com article here.) and the slow-down of VC funding in...

Organized Life
This blog post, in edited form appeared on GoodHousekeeping.com as "How I Changed My Life to Finally Get Organized" on January 12th....

An Ode to Supergirl
Have you seen the new Supergirl? Do you have kids? No? Yes? Girls? Boys? Doesn’t matter. Watch it. CBS. Monday nights. 8 PM EST. Why? I’m...

Six Things to Tell Your Kids Before Crossing the Street
Did you know Looking Both Ways is Not Enough? How many of us always tell our kids to "look both ways!" - and they should. But it's not...

How to Begin Big Ideas in 5 Steps
Everyone has great ideas. Everyone. There are many, many steps between the spark of an idea and the launch of it into the world. And even...

The Case For Co-Mentoring*
We've all heard how important a mentor is to career development, but many of us don't have the benefit of structured corporate mentorship...

The Problem with Cinderella
I saw the new Cinderella movie. I was a huge fan of Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent, and had high hopes for this live-action take on another...

Snowballs in Hell
Have you ever tried to hold a snowball in hell? No? How about launch a Kickstarter or crowdfunding campaign? Well. Then you get it....